Wednesday, December 31, 2008

back yard


I was out in the back yard with a hammer, day before yesterday, checking on (rotten) fence pickets that seemed (from inside the house) to be loose. Buzz won't even notice, I think, but Wilbur Gilbert has been known to go walkabout when the opportunity presents itself.

No loose pickets, yay, but look! All sorts of excellent stuff, on/in the tired old snow.

Let's trade the hammer for the camera!

'Twas Mama Nature who arranged all the above. I merely recorded.

Then lightened most of them a bit, and cloned over a few distracting bits and pieces, but no other enhancement.



Gone2theDawgs said...

The snow makes a great backdrop! I'm definitely ready for some shades of green though! :) Wishing you a Happy New Year!!

I need orange said...

I was surprised to see something I liked, pretty much everywhere I looked. :-)

I don't miss the warm weather -- I hate having the house open to all the noise, Noise, NOISE in the summer. That would be when I really envy you your mountain top. Being packed into the neighbors is not my fave an any time of year, but with the house open, it makes me crazy. More often than in winter.

Wishing a very Happy New Year for you, too!

Anonymous said...

Has the whiffle ball resurfaced yet?
What? You thought I would let you off the hook?

I need orange said...

It was right where we dump snow when shoveling the way out to the garage, so no, not visible yet.

And even when it resurfaces, it almost certainly will have lost its coy "sheltering under a leaf" look....

Nonetheless, I should paint a golf tee orange, just in case it still has a snowperson look when it reappears.


Anonymous said...

Think of it this way...the golf tee will need to be painted

I need orange said...

You may be disappointed, hook or no hook.

I have been looking around, and I'm not even sure which one that one was..... There are ... so many......

And without its leaf.....

Not sure I can recognize it.

I'll see what I can do.....

After I get home from the dentist tomorrow. If it's not raining.