This year our kids were seated across the pool from the spectators. One parent told me he liked it; that he could see the kids better. He must have telescopic vision. I couldn't see them nearly as well as the last two years when they've been right below us, nor did the camera see them as well........... Especially with all the windows behind them -- all that back light made getting a reasonable exposure difficult.
If I were making a swim banner for the top of a blog, this might be it, especially for college swimming. (In high school you have teammates to cheer for in every heat. In college, not, especially when the male half of your team is elsewhere......). Lots of down time, waiting for your event, or for your friends' events........
I like the splash.....
This "conference" (which does not involve geographical propinquity, same NCAA division, or similar level of swimming ability, and therefore seems more a random conglomeration of teams than a conference!) keeps adding teams, and this year the facility was totally overwhelmed. The swimmers were crowded, and it was ridiculous for parents. People who got there at 8:30 am for a 10:00 am meet could not find seats. Shame on whoever plans this............................. Clearly they care only about raking in more dough and don't give a rip about comfortably accommodating their clientele. !!!
I watched our kid swim, then vacated the precious indoor space I had been sitting on and headed outside to enjoy the beautiful day.
I presume the shaggy-bark trees are some sort of birch.
Let's spend some time savoring the *excellent* texture on these trees.
Yum, eh? Thinking I may have to have me one o' these. If they will grow in my climate.............
Looking down, we can tell just from this one shot that there is a lot of variety in the plantings in front of the aquatic center.
Just because we can............
This bed of pansies was rather beaten-up looking. Here's one that looks pristine and happy. And *yellow*!
Charlotte's tallest building, reflected by a hotel.
Pointy things, with fuzzy-ish tops.
As above, framed by shagginess.
Do you suppose someone planned this vase-shaped planter to go with the vase-shaped paver (or vice versa?)? Or was it just coincidence...........
Charlotte continues to bustle with construction. Sky scrapers, roads, condos, all being worked on.
This was a windy day; I tried to catch the effect of the wind on the orange stuff.
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