Thursday, April 23, 2009

Chicago quilt show -- getting situated


After we left our stuff in the hotel room, we walked around to get checked in for classes and to get tickets to get into the quilt show.

This required a bunch of walking back and forth, as you could do one thing in one place and the other in another place, and we didn't know ahead of time which to do where.....

This is only one section of gerbil tube connecting the Hyatt to the convention center. We took it out of habit; the weather has not been nice the last couple of years. The gerbil tube delivers you to the other end of the other side of the convention hall, and is quite a long walk. There is a door into the convention hall on this side, and if they will let you in by that door (as they did not on the first day last year, but did on all days this year), it is a considerably shorter walk.

On our peripatations, we wandered into the hotel that is directly connected to the convention center, and observed its fancy lighting.

This is the main delivered-by-car entry to the convention center. Cars circle around the fountain, coming in from the right and dropping passengers on the left, before circling around and going back out on the right.

Just outside the prev.

Sitting outside, between the convention center and the Hyatt, enjoying the sunshine!

This is the first time I have sat outside in the sun (north of the Bahamas!) in 2009.

You may ask why we are sitting rather than enjoying the quilt show, and the answer would be that it didn't open until 5:00.......

There were pleasant fountain noises to listen to.

You can see one of the Hyatt's pink glass cylinders, lower right background.

Did I mention that we were basically across the street (expressway, really) from O'Hare?

Interesting plantings around this sitting area.

From standing up, these looked like oats or grains of wheat. From up close they are obviously part of someone's buds.......

Incipient azalia.


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