Sunday, June 21, 2009

June 9, walking home from work


I had a whole bunch of posts all ready to go while we were still a two-dog household. So if the next several posts sound more ebullient than I feel, that would be why.


Spent alium, working on making seeds.

Petunia. Love this color!

This is the same thing I saw in Baltimore three weeks ago. I still don't know what it is. Less than knee high, herbaceous, green.

Rose. Love being able to see it from this perspective.

Another rose. The light coming through from the back doesn't come through as strongly where the petals are curled.....


You know the gritty urban stuff is not my usual fave.

But look at these excellent telephone pole vignettes. Lots of people in the collage world (and the painting world, too) are heavily into layers just now. One group of people did an experiment with disintegration, constructing bundles of paper, etc, which were left outside for months to see what would happen.

That is just what these are about. Layer after layer of paper, stapled stapled stapled stapled.............. Left out in the weather.............

I'm excited to be taking an online class on stencilry later this month.

I'll be doing mine on paper and fabric, but I've been noticing use of stencils in my regular environment..... This one is on the side of a concrete planter.

A rather elderly and raggedy planter, with this beautiful thing growing at its foot.

California poppy, I do believe.


And this, I believe, is scabiosa.

Urban geranium. Curbside, with telephone pole. Note reflection of geranium (with fun-house version of yrs truly) on the car.


1 comment:

I need orange said...

Thanks to my buddy K for letting me know the green flower is a hellebore or "Lenten rose."
