Friday, June 05, 2009

May 30


Iris, iris, and more iris.

Happy sigh.



leslie said...

I can smell 'em.
Some of 'em don't smell, but the ones that do are sweet!

I need orange said...

I didn't actually photograph the ones with the most of that lovely grapey smell. They were smaller, and all one shade of light-ish purple.

They do smell wonderful. I had a bunch in the yard at my first house....

Once upon a time, when I was a student at the Potter's Guild, I was there in the afternoon, throwing pots. One of the members of the guild had brought in a big bouquet of iris from her garden, and the whole place smelled wonderful.

That was such a nice afternoon ... the sun coming through the west windows, sitting companionably with the other women, talking the clay into becoming vessels......