Love Kina Crow's work.....
This is what keeps me awake, nights, too, only there are more of them, and they are not all happy.........
Love Marcia Derse's work, too. Love the way a lot of small pieces work together to make a seriously interesting larger work.......
This is Mark Traughber's. I really like the layers, the colors, the composition.....
I showed you some of his work last year, too. I was taking Mary Ann Moss's online stenciling class.
Still struggling with the digital layering thing; studying layering done in any medium, trying to figure out what I like, what I don't like, how it is done, how the look could be done digitally............
Betsy Giberson. I was taken by how airy these are. These were ... vests? ... if one can call such an ephemeral garment by such a workaday name.....
The Potters' Guild sets up shop in front of Hill Auditorium. I had a pleasant chat with one of my friends from our days as students at the guild. She stuck with clay as I was unable to do (as I started working full-time and couldn't find much time when the guild was open AND I had enough energy to do anything), and has been a member for a long time. It was nice to catch up.
More ceramics, elsewhere in the fair. These were small cup-like vessels. What drew me to them was the layers of decoration........
Liked this vignette where the Art Fair itself was selling tshirts, etc. The art on the poster is by Mark Traughber.
Walking over to work. I am thinking that liking work made of smaller work is a recurring element for me, this year........
Still walking back to work. The blobby airy plastic, in contrast to the hard dense angular concrete.....
I think they were painting, and had the plastic up to confine the mess.
Wonder why they paint the ceiling. I can sort of see the floor -- maybe it's protective.......... I suppose the white ceiling is a bit brighter, but....... ???
The view from my office window.
Queen Anne's lace, and shadows, at lunchtime.
Walking home, after 5:00 pm.
This is Jim Mullan's work.
Color always draws me in first.... Love the color of the high chair. Then -- amused by the father-and-son propeller beanies...............
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