I didn't visit Provence, where lavender grows in profusion.
When I spotted this lavender in this riverside garden, I had to grab my opportunity.

I don't know what this is.

Another cow. Love her stripey knee socks.

Note more cows above her shoulder.
I think that's this park's light fixture, and the bridge over the Garonne we've been looking at, on her hip......


I don't know what this is, either.

Lantana, I think. Liking the way the edges of the leaves curve.

More chard.

There was lots of tallish ornamental grass along here. When the wind blew, you could hear it sighing in the grass. Very nice.

At last, a look at the Mirror.
Kinda dry, empty of people, I'm thinking this is pretty cool, but I'm not stopped in my tracks to watch for hours......

I wander on. Martha, this is what I did not bring you. (Laurie, I did not bring you the wine in that pic from the 27th of the wine bottles through the window next to the Ecole du Vin.)

You know I went into the art-supply store.
"One of each, please." I don't even know what this stuff is; I was caught by the COLORS...... I did not bring this home for myself.
(fresco filtered, because the original was blurry -- when something isn't right, and you emphasize that [make it blurrier, say], it can look intentional rather than accidental.....)

I didn't bring this home, either.

Tearing myself away from the art-supply store, walking on.........
We have a lot of Elton John in the iTunes library. Want to go to Bordeaux and hear him, dear?
("re-find all the biggest ... ok, what does "tubes" mean, in this context?? it's gotta be 'hits' right? ... of Elton John")

My house number is way WAY more boring than this!
Boggled as I imagine how much it would cost to have this made......
Imagining the house falling apart from the weight, if we tried to attach it.....

I was avoiding garbage cans in my pics, somewhere, and my daughter reminded me that they are evidence that people actually *live* there.
So true.
I like the plants outside the windows.....

While I was looking at the plants, this woman walked by. She's got an IKEA bag just like the one I use to bring home boxes of cereal from the grocery, in addition to her rolling bag. It looked like cloth in the IKEA bag -- I think maybe she just did her laundry.

More and more fancy stuff to look at.

See the table on the balcony?

Love the textures.

Oh my. If I'd noticed the teeny hint-of-soup-tureen-handles on the sides of the round jars, I'm not sure I'd have been able to resist. A good thing I did not see them.
Something else I did not bring home for myself........
See the curly pepper, at left?

Something not brought home for my better half.

I don't know if the French invented shopping centers, but they may have.
Passages like this one began to appear after the French revolution, as there began to be a middle class with money to spend (and as the technology was developed to make the glass roofs).
They are lined with shops whose doors open onto the glass-roofed floor.
This one looked a bit tired.

I wonder if this is what it used to look like? What they are hoping to make it look like? Both?

In order to facilitate chronological traverse of these posts, here is a link to the post that comes after this one.
Once again, bravo! I could look at your pictures for hours on end. Lovely flowers. Brilliant colors at the art supply. You've constantly made me feel as if I was "along for the walk" - thanks! :)
[blush] Thanks! :-)
I'm so glad you're coming along! :-)
SO many pics; can't believe I'm barely a week into the trip, with two more weeks to go! :-)
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