Saturday, June 04, 2011

June 1


On the 1st, I did a spot of banking, and then walked on to work.

Standing near the northeast corner of the post office, looking toward the library (and at the place the library's parking lot used to be).


Parking lot rose, in the harsh morning sun.

Creating shade by standing between the rose and the sun.  Sometimes I wish I had someone following me with a big black blanket -- my own portable shade source.....


All iris are not purple.  (The green and white striped leaves are some sort of grass.  The iris has green leaves that are very stiff and not visible in this pic.)

I think of spent iris blossoms as fairly ugly.  But the one in the upper right corner, all twisted around itself, is kinda interesting.

I like the "regular purple" iris best.

Some people like more exotic ones.

I would never plant the almost-black ones, but I can admire this bud.


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