Friday, June 03, 2011

May 31


Flowers on the hedge beside our driveway.  These flowers are less than an inch across.

I saw this sort of shrub at a nursery last year, and read the label, and then promptly forgot what it is....  Hmm.  Google knows (almost) everything.  I asked for "white-flowered shrub" and looked at the images, and thought it might be deutzia, and looked for "deutzia", looked at more images, and that's what I think it is.

It's very pretty at this time of year, and then is just ... green ... the rest of the time.....

It's June -- it's time for iris, and for purple.

And daisies.

More iris.


It was really hot on the 29th and 30th  Almost 90, with enough humidity to feel like nearly 100.  After walking Wilbur, on Monday, I was hotter than I had been since Carcassonne.

I don't do well, in hot weather......

It was hot on the 31st, too, but bearable in a shady neighborhood.


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