Friday, June 17, 2011

June 10, the university's peony garden, part 2



Here's a very new little plant.  It is basically a flower on a long stem, with a few leaves at ground level.... 

Love the fallen petals carpeting the ground.....



Katie M said...

That top photo, that peony I think is Sarah Bernhardt. I had it in AA and plan to plant again in Brighton. Love it!! [Love them all]

I need orange said...

I bet you are right. I have no idea. I would have wanted to spend more time finding out the identities of the peonies, if the weather had been dryer..... :-)

Thanks. I love them, too. Peonies are my favorites of all........

Morning Bray Farm said...

So. incredibly. lovely. Hmmm...

I need orange said...

It was amazing. I knew it was big, but it was much bigger than I remembered........
