Sunday, July 10, 2011

July 3


A much more normal-looking sky. The 2nd had been uncomfortably hot. The 3rd was much more comfortable.

There is a large potluck noon-time dinner as part of the 4th of July festivities.  I believe this was the cutest contribution.  Very tasty little s'more cupcakes, over the "fire" cupcakes, of course.....  Can you imagine making this while camping??  And the maker is mama to a fairly little kid, too!  My hat's off to her.

Our card table was out of the pic, a bit to the right of the one you can see, upper right.

We had other places to go and other people to see, so we left while it was still afternoon.  This is the road from the camping area out toward the road.  I took a lot of pics, as we went in and out, and this is the only one (1) that was sharp.  All that motion and jiggling and light changing from shadow to full sun was daunting to focusing software.

When you come out of the woods, you head between two fields toward some more woods.  There's a 90-degree left turn when you get near the trees, and you go parallel to them for a ways.

We stopped briefly for corn pics.

I wish I'd taken some more closeups.  This is a tight crop of the above, so not as sharp as if I'd been closer when I took the pic.  Love the colors of the leaves, and the way the plant grows............

One last look at the barn.  We are very near the road, here.


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