Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 16


I expect this is bindweed.  It was right at short-grass level.  Isn't it pretty?  These flowers were probably not much more than an inch across.   Bindweed usually has white flowers.  I don't remember seeing these fuchsia edges before

Asiatic lilies.

Poppy.  Love the leaves!  Look at the way they ensconce the stem, and then look at those excellent jaggedy edges.........

Another of our gorgeous 2012 days.



paris parfait said...

So pretty! Lucky you!

And thank you for your helpful insights in your blog comment today.

paris parfait said...

So pretty! Lucky you.

Thank you for your helpful insight about the dizzy spells. Will discuss w/ ENT this week.

I need orange said...

I need to figure out if there's a way to make it more obvious that I am moderating comments. Sorry!

You are most welcome. Vertigo is very unsettling, especially when you don't know what is causing it or how to get rid of it!

I hope that yours is as easily settled as mine has been!