Monday, October 22, 2012

October 14


Walkng.  The color is at its peak.............

Isn't it amazing, that all of this gorgeousness is on the pavement, to be walked on?

I presume this is evidence of raindrops past.  With maple and gingko.



penni said...

Vicki, I check out your blog every morning and have decided your series each fall is the best. Perhaps it's because we don't have as much color here, perhaps because fall is the only part of living in the midwest that I truly miss. Whatever it is, keep showering me with maple leaves and oak leaves and vibrant mums. Thank you.31 jc

I need orange said...

You are most welcome! I am glad you are coming along on my walks. I love all the color, too, and am happy to share it. This time of year is astonishing -- so much color, just thrown to the ground to fade away...........

Already things are getting rustier. There is less red and more yellow and brown......

I'll keep showing you color, as long as there is any...........
