Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 10


Farmers' market.  Pumpkins and gourds.


There are artist at the market, as well as food vendors.  This woman makes interesting jackets, as well as cool scarves.

More pumpkins.

Decorative kale.

More squash.

Zingerman's has been on a many-year quest to expand the deli's space.  At long last they have begun to occupy the new space.  We ate our Saturday treats just inside the new garage-door window wall.  Very pleasant!

I like the 3-d parts of the new signs.

Looking past my Barry's Irish Breakfast tea, through the garage-door window, at the patio.

I need to get some big glass cups.  I like to drink my tea from big cups, but mine are all ceramic, and you can't appreciate the color of the tea in a ceramic cup the way you can in a glass one.....

Walking back to the car.

4:30 -- looking out the upstairs bathroom window.

Shortly thereafter.  Walking.

Looking straight up.



One more look at the sky..........


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