Saturday, November 17, 2012

November 12


Starting my walk rather late in the day.

I don't know what plant this is, but I love the curvy leaves, and the sort of water-colory look along the mid-vein.....

I wonder why this one sprig is such a different color from the rest of the plant.....

I visited the sweet gum again.  These pics were taken inside, with a piece of printer paper as a background, and a halogen light above.

This leaf was almost purple, in reality.  This is not a very good rendition of its color, alas.

And now for my favorite subject of this photo shoot.....

I tend to think of leaves as two-dimensional, when they really use all three dimensions.  This leaf's stem came out at almost a 90-degree angle, which made for some cool shadows.

I have poster-edged these to bring up the details of the veins.........

 Here's the way the camera remembered it.

Here's the poster-edged version.

Another straight-out-of-camera image.

Poster-edged.   I love the shadows.  The faint one, showing just under the widest leaves, from the overhead light, the more-definite one from the halogen, the darker place where the shadow of the stem overlaps the shadow of the leaf.............

I actually did pick up some leaves that were not from the sweet gum.  Maple.




thecrazysheeplady said...

The sweet gum leaf shots look like yoga poses :-)

I need orange said...

Oooh, good thought! :-) They certainly do!

Now you've got me wondering about shadows for yoga poses..... :-)

The yoga studio I go to has very gentle light (she made sure we could be staring at the ceiling and not going blind!). I've never been aware of any shadows.

You have me thinking about yoga poses in strong slanting sunlight -- the shadows would be very cool, I'm sure!
