Sunday, December 02, 2012

Lest you think...

... I am blissfully spending my entire life skipping from Model Thinking, to Think Again, to one novel after another, to web-surfing, to yoga.....  Our dishwasher died.  I am spending an inordinate amount of time washing dishes.

I want to *have* a new dishwasher, but I do not want to *buy* a new dishwasher.  I seriously hate buying stuff that costs more than about $2, when I can't know whether I'm going to like it until I have it, and have used it for a while.

Shoes?  >:-P  Appliances of any kind?  >:-P  Cars?  >:-P

I need to sign on to Consumer Reports and see what they have to say about maintenance records on dishwashers...............


And until I can make myself do that, I'm washing dishes.

I'm still going to yoga, dishes or no dishes.

The sky was cool, when I walked home from yoga on the 28th.  It was very clear.  I could see lots of stars, despite the bright moon.

This image was taken looking pretty much straight east, at 7:40-ish pm.

The camera declined to focus on the moon, alas.  I kind of like this blown-out hazy-looking shot, with the ghostly branches.

And what must be a planet.

I am annoyed.  The last time I looked online to find out what was in my night sky, I found what I wanted in a trice.  This time, I have been foiled.  Google has let me down.  Seriously.  Humph.

If I have to guess, I'm guessing that's Jupiter.  It was big, and it was very visible, despite being so near a full moon.  WHY can't I find a place that will just show me?



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