Monday, December 03, 2012

Once upon a December time,

a long time ago, and far far away, I realized that since we all had all grown up (and weren't really getting toys for Christmas any more), once the presents were all opened, we'd all go our separate ways with our new books, and quiet would reign.

Nothing wrong with that, of course, except that having traveled many miles to be there, it seemed like maybe we should have something else to *do* (and read our books later, when everyone went home).

The first "thing to do" was born in a thrift shop.  I was looking at the painted-on-black-velvet portraits (etc!), and thinking "All of this perfectly awful stuff is just being wasted, getting dusty in thrift stores!"  It came to me that we could have a contest.  Everyone could bring the most awful thing they could purchase for a quarter or less, and we could vote, and someone would win...... And so it came to pass.  It became traditional, and there is a traveling trophy and everything.  Many very bad things have been duly appreciated, over the years.

The next idea also originated in a thrift shop.  I started buying everyone toys.  When my mom was in art school, I bought her one of those kiddy art kits, with stencils and watercolors and whatnot.  When my brother-in-law wanted to learn to knit, I bought him a Barbie knitting kit.  You get the idea.

I like the idea of giving things that are fun, and funny, and have so little intrinsic value that if the recipient doesn't like it, it can go right on out to their thrift store, for the next person to pass along to someone else.  No Receiver's Guilt when what you get doesn't suit your tastes or needs......

I started giving each person a book from the library book sale which I hoped might be of marginal interest.

I am still giving everyone in my family a thrifted tshirt, which I hope may speak to one of their interests (and hope may sort of fit, given I am guessing at sizes!).

I went tshirt shopping last week, and I found this gem. 

Tragically, I have to keep it.  It's too small for either of the guys who would appreciate it, and I don't know of any smaller Beatles fans in the crowd.  Except me.

Apparently its retail-purchase recipient either didn't like it or was the wrong size.  It is pristine.




jennifer black said...

I love these ideas! Great shirt, too.

I need orange said...

Thanks. We've had fun with these ideas, over time.

I discovered the shirt is too small (exposes every bulge....), so I think it is destined to be a bag rather than cover one.


jennifer black said...


Be sure to show us the bag. The purse, I mean. ;-)

Can you believe we have 10 videos this week? Just out of curiosity--as someone who creates online courses--would you rather have fewer, longer videos or do you like the many short ones?

I'm enjoying the class so far!

I need orange said...

:-) lol... [snort!]

As to the number of videos -- I suppose it sort of depends on the content. The more tricky the content, the more I like shorter ones. I like to take a break in between, and let them percolate....

When the content is really difficult for me, I'll spend maybe an hour on a 12-minute video. Playing bits over and over, taking careful and exact notes.

As my conviction that I've understood wanes, the exactitude of my writing down exactly what was said waxes.

When I believe I have understood, I don't mind synopsizing and paraphrasing. When I am pretty sure I do not understand, I want the exact words.

After a strenuous hour with a 12-minute video, I am very glad when they're over.

I don't mind the really short ones. If they're easy, I'll do several in a row. And if not, I'm glad for a break in a logical place.