Friday, April 05, 2013

April 5 -- morning


Our neighborhood church was open, so we stepped in.  It was big.

I have tried to identify it, but have had no luck.  I can find it on Google maps, street view, but it is not identified. 

Walking downtown.  I don't know how to make a plural for a noun that ends in A, in Italian.  There are farmacias everywhere.  Downtown, not-so-downtown, in small towns, at airports.  I'm not entirely sure what they do.  Homeopathy, and I don't know what else.  They don't seem to be the place to get prescription drugs, so that is different from an American pharmacy.

This was the fanciest farmacia sign I saw.

More and more homemade pasta.  With plenty of Parmesan cheese (which is made in Emilia, Bologna's region).

All different shapes and sizes, with all sorts of fillings.....

Potato and ham.  Mmmmmm.

The sealing wax caught my eye.  I'd never seen stems sealed with sealing wax before.  I've got to guess these are pears, especially given the tag with a pear, tucked in the lower right corner.

I've seen oregano that looks like this at Zingerman's, and have been puzzled, as it doesn't look at all like the oregano I've grown.  I wonder -- it says it's from Sicily, so maybe this is what Sicilian oregano looks like?  (so blurry, but I wanted to show you the sign....)

Also blurry, argh!, but I wanted to show that you can find beans and rice in bulk.

Another cute little dog in a coat.

Beautiful produce, featuring fennel.

Green beans.

Torta di risi -- pastry made with rice.  This was tasty.  Citrusy.

I suppose it's not a surprise that something calling itself a coffee bar might be a spirits bar, too.  Here in the USA, coffee and spirits are not usually sold in the same establishment, but in Italy, it's common.  You expect to drink your coffee standing up, at the bar.  There may be a few seats, but most people will drink and be off.

This is more stuff for making drinks.  I wonder what the atomizer is for.

One of the fanciest  covered walkways we saw.

In order to facilitate chronological traversal of these posts, here is a link to the next post.


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