Sunday, April 07, 2013

April 7 -- late afternoon


Strolling along.

Admiring the scenery.

The decoration caught my eye.  I happened to get a pic of the informative signage, which said (with a little help from Google translate):  "In this house was introduced hydraulic mechanism of spinning silk, authorized by the city of bologna on June 23, 1341."

Cool.  Cool that it happened, and cool that the sign is there, so we can stumble across it, hundreds of years later, and know that it happened, right there.....

Balcony plants that have clearly been here for a long time.  It doesn't get as cold here as it gets in Ann Arbor!

Colors and textures.

Teeny tiny plants on a wall.

Here's the home of the little plants above.

I wonder if this scooter has driven to Greece and Norway, or if it took public transportation.....  Or maybe its owner went, and it didn't?

I have no idea what this is, or why it's here.............  It was about 15" tall.

My daughter remarked on the light..........

And here's the floor.  So time-consuming!  These squares were on the order of an inch on each side.

Painted church.

Having your church painted is a lot cheaper than having it carved, but still. 

In order to facilitate chronological traversal of these posts, here is a link to the next post.


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