Thursday, July 18, 2013

Maps, and the Geospatial Revolution


My Maps class started yesterday.

Here's an interview with the prof.....

I didn't have time to start, yesterday.  I had a bunch of work to do for my volunteer gig, and I needed to take the Unit 7 quiz for Archaeology's Dirty Little Secrets (got a perfect score, huzzah!).  I also needed to grade five other students' assignments for Unit 5.  I'm still not digging doing that reviewing.  (Heh, heh, heh, get it?  "Digging" grading archaeology assignments?  Heh, heh, heh........)

Anyway.  At present I have caught up in Archaeology, and I'm ready for Maps! 

I went to Staples a couple of days ago for a composition book, and was quietly thrilled to find this map-like cover.

Composition books were on sale, so now I'm ready for my next three on-line classes after Maps, too -- whatever they may be!  (I'm signed up for Roman Architecture, but that doesn't start until January).......

So excellent to be able to take whatever suits your fancy, with no need to consider requirements or cognates or expense, even!  For someone like me, who is interested in an awful lot of things, this is totally the bees knees!


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