Wednesday, December 11, 2013

December 7


Another suburban-forest, approaching-the-solstice sunrise.  The sun is migrating south.....

Fewer clouds between us and the sun means more light reaches my window....

It's cold.

We will now have a red and green interlude.

It's Saturday.  We got cider and apples at the farmers' market.

You can get small wreaths, big wreaths, and very big wreaths.  Here's the image SOOC (straight out of camera).

Cropped to focus our attention on the wreaths.

Watercolor filter applied.

Here's the part of this image I like best.  The sun on the wreath..........

But the light through the center of the wreath was too distracting.  I cut the ribbons, and scootched them left, pasting them over the too-light place.

But the ribbons now look too washed out.  Let's see what we can do about that..............

I like this better.

Grocery-store plants.

Everything is red and green!

I can't decide if I think it's funny or sad when they say "no gluten!" in a product that contains no wheat.  Nothing with as much fat and salt (not to mention artificial color!) as these have is healthy.  Gluten or no gluten.  Preservatives or no preservatives.................

I liked the way the inside of this apple looked.

The midnight baker made cookies as well as bread.  Mmmmmmmm.

A return to our usual winter color scheme.............


I degrade all of these pics before I upload them to the blog.  They load faster, and Blogger doesn't fuss at me for using too much space to store them.  Mostly I don't see any difference, looking at the pics.  But these blue-sky pics......  you can really see the different tints and shades of blue, lower left to upper right.............



Jeanie said...

I love the "red and green" interelude! Ha! But every photo here is great and I especially appreciate the apple for some reason.

Cold, isn't it?!

I need orange said...

Thanks. :-)

I am glad you enjoyed the pics, and am grateful to know it. Thanks for your visit and for your comments!

I liked that apple, too. The way it happened to cut -- aethetically pleasing, and interesting, I thought.
