Friday, January 03, 2014

December 28, the rest of the day


Running the rest of the Saturday Errands.

Grocery store flowers. 

Ahhhhh.  Color!

I'm not fond of this sort of ugly cartoon.  What caught my attention was the thought that this was pretty funky, for the (rather bland) grocery store.  Kalamazoo is almost local (on the other side of the state, 2-3 hours from Ann Arbor).  I wish them well.

Later.  Walking.

Small(ish) dog; big shadow.

It was warm enough that A) he was willing to walk farther than 25 yards, and B) I could hold a book without my fingers freezing.

A Good Day.

This is M. M. Kaye's Death in Kashmir.  If we struggle to overlook the way most Indians were treated by the English, at the end of the Raj, we can, perhaps, enjoy the beauty of Kashmir itself.

A closer crop of the above, so we can enjoy the shadow.  Note star-shaped dog tag.

Sunset.  Mostly-blue skies all day long.  Happy sigh.



Jeanie said...

The flowers are fabulous -- wish I'd picked some up yesterday; I could use them today with all the snow!

I need orange said...

Something in me rises up and reaches out for color, at this time of year.....
