Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 10


We've seen rather a lot of the dog's shadow, lately.  Here's mine, as I headed downstairs with my tea cup.  Note I am only wearing a tshirt with my sweatpants!  No fleece jacket; no bathrobe.........

I enjoyed breakfast with my friend.

I happened to look out the window and notice the jet trails............

I walked home.

This tree had a lot of these cones with the spiky things (are those the seeds,I wonder?).


Sky over the Slauson back field.  More jet trails.

I couldn't decide if I liked the above better, or this one....

THAT's what I'm talking about.  Green, and PURPLE.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............

With some interesting houses to look at.  I believe the white-painted decoration on the pediment is raised, as well as painted.

Triangular pediment, supported by columns.  Very Greek and Roman.

I am still listening to Roman Architecture.  One of her favorite themes is Roman architecture being "a model, and a spur" to those who came after.  It is surely true that one sees "the common vocabulary of Roman architecture" here, there, and everywhere............



thecrazysheeplady said...

I too love jet trails :-).

I need orange said...

So interesting when there are tons of them in the sky! I always figure the winds must be pretty still up there, on those days.........