Sunday, July 27, 2014

July 11


I spotted this goldfinch sitting on the window frame.  Just sitting.

As I took his pic, he decided to fly. 

I wonder if he's trying to chase off his reflection.......

Lots of the fancy daylilies are much bigger and more substantial than the old-fashioned ones.

Hmm -- what's up with this?  This vehicle was just sitting.  In the middle of the street.  It has a camera on the front of the roof.


I don't know what it was up to.  I figured if it could drive around videoing our neighborhood, I could take its pic.

Excellent flowers in someone's lawn extension.

I think cosmos will re-seed.  Not perennial, but recurring.  Works for me.

Old-fashioned daylilies.  Gotta love 'em.

These two bunches of daylilies are on the same street.

The newer daylilies will never replace the old ones in my affection, but I like them, too.

My best neighborhood bullfrog pic ever.  With parasol.

The large and plump goldfish that share this itty bitty pond with the bullfrogs.  What you see here is probably on the order of a quarter of the pond.  And it's only about 18" deep, I think.  If that.



Jeanie said...

You're doing better with your bird photos than I am. Too fast for me. I don't know why I'm not seeing finches at my feeder -- good seed. Plenty of other birds, though.

I need orange said...

I don't remember ever seeing goldfinches when I was a kid, but they're not uncommon around here now.

I let some catnip get enormous on our patio, one year, and a pair of goldfinches visited every day for a while, when the seeds were ready. They are so pretty.