Friday, August 01, 2014

July 16 -- the rest of the day


Walking on home.  This redbud is on Chapin, between Huron and Miller.  Looking up at the leaves from under the tree -- wow.

The new leaves are amazingly red.

Here's what they look like from on top.  Not nearly so stunning as from underneath.

Baby ducklet in the pond at West Park.

A closer crop.  I'm pleased that a moving object, not that close, on water, comes out this sharp.  Goooooood little camera!

Mama Duck, preening.

The babies seemed like they weren't sure where to go.  Mama was WAY up there, and they couldn't get there from the water.  You can see five babies in this pic -- four in the lower left quadrant, and one just to the right of Mama, just above the edge on the boardwalk.

This is the same photo as above, only with helpful markings.

On the other side of the pond is another mama, who also has small babies. 

Muskrat, hoping for a handout.

The west end of the park.  With lots of wild flowers.

This next one was taken about where that band of yellow flowers points toward the curve in the path, above.  (Blogger has UNhelpfully increased the saturation here -- the original isn't this intense.  Argh.  I really really REALLY wish that "leaving people's pics alone" were the default................)

We're looking northwest.  That coppery looking thing in the lower right is the top of the band shell.  The path from the east into West Park forks near the pond.  The south fork goes over the pond, and the north fork goes by the band shell.  

There are many concerts in the park in the summertime.  I found out last week at yoga class that one of my classmates plays oboe in those concerts!  Good for her -- an energetic person with varied interests!

I think this is butter and eggs.

Butter and eggs, and clover.

Isn't this nice?  Black-eyed susan, queen Anne's lace, clover, chicory, and I don't know what the tall wispy stuff is.  And I bet there are more flowers in there that I am not seeing, now, as I name them off.........  This is on the south side of the south path through West Park, with the side of the ravine rising up (giving a nice dark green background) to Huron (behind the flowers).

I'm almost home.  This is a look down into the ravine.  This is the part of the ravine that is a "park" near my house.  I think by "park" they mean "unmaintained city-owned land."

My daylilies.  Love these..........

Love the petal curls.

Walking through the neighborhood later.

Someone else's daylilies.



thecrazysheeplady said...

Wait. Blogger changes our photos??? I've had some that did look different and couldn't figure out why :-o.

I need orange said...

Yes. Yes they do. And why we can't change that setting IN BLOGGER I have no idea.

Have a look at this:!topic/blogger/uU4MuneILZE

I do not have a Google + account, and don't really want one...............

I've found it most noticeable in really dark images (I've had some that were mostly dark, with one bright light source, which were TOTALLY messed up by their UNhelpful lightening of the pic), and in skies..............

Why "mess with it" is the default, rather than "LEAVE IT", I really don't know.

Sigh. And ARGH.
