Tuesday, January 13, 2015

January 8


Sunrise in tree town.

Still cold, on the 8th.

Isn't it interesting how much more random (and exuberant!) the frost is, on the front of the house?  On the back of the house the frost looks much more like a road map.  I wonder if the glass is different, or if it's "just" different weather conditions.....  Or both?

We visited Granddad.  We looked at more pictures of yesteryear.  He was in the army during WWII.  One of his duties, for part of the time he was in the service, was protecting the locks at Soo Ste. Marie.



Jeanie said...

MORE fabulous ice photos -- these might be even more glorious than the last!

I need orange said...


I know it's not a good sign to have frost on your windows (not enough insulation from the cold; too much moisture inside) but ... the frost can be spectacular......