Sunday, November 08, 2015

October 23, or "mostly maples, all the time"


On October 23 I decided to walk east through West Park, instead of taking my usual westward loop through the neighborhood.

These three maple trees are on the way down the hill from our house.

While I can't prefer this black&white image to a colorful one, I rather like the mix of darks and lights......  "Chalk and charcoal" filter.

"Cutout" filter.  I don't like this filter as often as I think I will, but I like it here.

Good old "poster edges" does a great job with this sort of image.

Another look at the same three trees.

One of the things I love best about fall -- this amazing carpet beneath my feet...........


Japanese maple.

Only one duck on the pond, when I strolled by on the 23rd, but plenty of fishies.

More maples, reflected in the pond.......

Bittersweet, growing up a tree next to the pond.

Ivy, growing on a fence post.

Mostly maples -- from front to back:  purple, orange, green, yellow, and red.  The square thing in front is boxwood.  The green directly over the sidewalk is not maple (not sure what sort of shrubby thing it is), and the low purply red next to that shrubby green is also not maple.  Otherwise, I think all the rest of this is various maples.




Jeanie said...

Don't you love the arbors of maples? So gorgeous. I've been playing with the b/w too and you're right -- I prefer the color but really appreciate the contrast of the darks and lights.

I need orange said...

Yes. Gotta love the maples! I love that they come in so many different colors, with so many different leaf shapes!

We are definitely coming up on the season when it pays to cultivate our appreciation of value, and of texture.................