Wednesday, May 18, 2016

May 12


On May 12 we visited a very fancy office space.  Lots of serious art everywhere.  I'm going to have to spend some more time with this, trying to figure it out.  It was one piece of wood..............

(I took multiple shots from this angle, and all were blurry.  Perhaps the camera couldn't figure it out, either?)

I'm not positive the pink and green marks I've added are a representation of the truth as to how this flows, but I'm kinda thinking they are correct............

I can't figure out how to reconcile this with what I see above, but I am pretty sure they are the same piece...........................

A look inside.  Such pretty wood..............

Continuum, made by Robert Howard from Australian red cedar.

View southeast from a conference room window.

Back home.  Walking.  One more look at the enormous pink tulips.


I chose this pic as a "life-cycle of the dandelion" representation.  Bud upper left, spent flower upper right.

It wasn't until I got the above on "the big screen" that I discovered these two seeds, making it an even better representation of the life cycle.

Gone to seed.  So much going on here!

I am at a loss to understand how a grass monoculture is preferable to this..................

More yellow in the landscape.  Another tulip.

And yet another.


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