Friday, June 17, 2016

June 11


Queen Anne's lace, growing in the crack between the concrete in front of the garage and the asphalt driveway.  Love the brilliant green.  And the shadows.....

Do you see what's nestled in the lace?

A golf-ball-size wiffle ball.  You know it's our house, when you see these scattered here and there............

One small poppy, in a field of clover (and grass).

Onion rye at the deli, enjoying the lovely June day.

The beautiful garden at the end of my old block is full of these fluffy pink poppies in the middle of June.

Almost the same color -- snapdragons.

More poppies.

Poppy bud.  The buds (and stems) on what I think of as "regular poppies" are so fuzzy.  It's sort of odd to look at these incredibly smooth ones.  I guess they save all of their exuberance for their extravaganza of petals.


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