Friday, October 28, 2016

October 21


Looking down at borage.

Morning glory.  This is the same plant we've been admiring for weeks, but look at it on October 21!  This is easily five times as many blooms as I'd seen on any single day.  More, maybe.  It has been pretty, but on the 21st, it was amazing.

Notice how all of this is climbing up one simple road sign (warning drivers there's a stop sign coming up).

One of the gardeners in this yard had his dog in the park across the street.  He saw me take pics, and then struck up a conversation as I walked on.  He said that this is one (1) plant, and that all they did was plant it and water it.  No fertilizer or any other fussing.


I thanked him for planting it and watering it, and told him I'd been enjoying it for weeks.

Frost was predicted for that night.  I wonder if it knew, and was putting out everything it had, in advance of the frost..........

A couple of closeups......


1 comment:

Jeanie said...

I adore morning glories. I need to plant more of them and in a better place next year. And the borage is gorgeous!