Here is a link to the interactive expedition map.
Overlooking the eastern side of the north rim of the Grand Canyon.
We walked a short way on one of the trails.
Looking east, it seems to be a very nice day.
Amen, Teddy. Amen.
Looking west, away from the rim -- this could be Michigan..........
Looking east toward the rim.
This is my straight-out-of-camera shot.
Edited to bring it to a more rectangular format.
Chunks of the sign, enhanced for legibility.
As always, here, the scale is hard to absorb.
Looking south. Mount Hayden is visible behind the vegetation near the bottom of this next image. Note that really big cloud we saw in the previous post -- it was still there.
The next shot is just to the right of the previous. We can see how the land we are standing on curves around to the east. And we can see stormy weather to the south.
Here's a clearer look at Mount Hayden.
Looking east. Hmmm, not so clear to the north any more.
I've been talking about haze, and editing. This is a gif that shows the straight-out-of-camera shot, and my edited version. Note that the sky stays the same. I selected it out before I began to mess with the ground........ Mount Hayden is sharp. But the background........... So hazy. I do not trust that the colors are right, after I've sharpened up the contrast, but I'd rather see the contours of the land, in incorrect color, than not see anything but blur......
Still version of the edited image. Unlike the previous, you can click on this one to embiggen it.
Life in precarious places.
Zooming in on the center of the above.
The silvery shine of the dead trees caught my eye. This is part of the upper right quadrant of the image two up from here.
This is also in the first image of all of this. I'm sure the silver is emphasized by the darkness of the sky.
I no longer remember where this is, in relation to the above. But it's right in the same place -- I have pics like the ones above both before and after this next one. This looks burned.
A couple of palate-cleansing closer looks.........
One last look at this part of the Grand Canyon.
Here is a link to the next post about the Grand Canyon trip.
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