Friday, June 22, 2018

June 12, 2018


This book is about using what we've learned from games and gaming to help people live real life.

People learn and develop a lot of skills from playing games.  (The author has been a designer of computer games, so that's a big part of the focus.)  Gaming skills can be used to help us be better at things we want to do in real life.  I'm listening to the audiobook.  This is available in a hard copy book, and also as a (free) game on your phone. 

It's full of interesting ideas, and seems plausible.  (Research has been done on "the SuperBetter method" and it seems to help people tackle all sorts of problems that have been bothering them, from healing after a concussion -- the author -- to dealing with health issues, finding a job, getting out of debt, etc, etc, etc....)

My beautiful farmers' market peonies.


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