Friday, September 21, 2018

September 12, 2018


Basil growing in a planter box on the path to nowhere.  Determinedly going to seed.

Autumn clematis..  These flowers are a bit over an inch wide, and they smell good.


Nice plants in front of an apartment building.  Roses at the top, with coleus sort of between them, and lots and lots of begonias at the bottom.

Begonias and more begonias.


With pink zinnias, and I don't know what the white stuff is.


Day lily.



Jeanie said...

My basil is doing the same! I got a good batch of pesto yesterday and I think another this weekend and that'll do it for that plant. It was a good run.

The garden looks great.

I need orange said...

My basil has done pretty well this year, too.

I'm so grateful for all the gardeners whose yards I enjoy as I walk! :-)