Wednesday, May 31, 2006

rubber dragon

I'm sure you are all glad to know that the metal thingie stayed glued to the windshield, even after the mirror was hung from it this morning, and that the Taurus is now driveable again. Being able to go where you need to go is a Good Thing.

Here is something I made, a very long time ago. My parents bought us this dragon-making stuff for Christmas, many moons ago. There were a whole bunch of metal molds, and this rubber stuff that is liquid before it is cooked. The molds got filled with the rubber stuff, and then set on a heater thing. Then you waited until the rubber was solidly cooked. When there is just one cooker thing for you and your two siblings and your two cousins, it could be hard to wait for your turn......

There were mostly bug molds, as I recall it, but there was this nice dragon head and body, with choices for feet and wings, I think. As you see, you could get quite elaborate with the different colors of rubbery stuff.

This may be the oldest thing I have made that is on display in my house....


I need orange said...

As you note, the rock IS lava. :-) Collected on Oahu in 1974.

I need orange said...

Ooops, I mean Hawaii, not Oahu, duh.

I need orange said...

I like to be accurate. *I* know, when I've said the wrong thing.... And -- if my family were reading this, and thinking about it, they would know that it was wrong.....