Friday, April 06, 2007


Walking back toward my office building, after taking those forsythia pics, I stopped to take pics of the little pinecones in the grass.

Only after focusing on the pinecones did I see these teeny flowers.

I thought they were blue-eyed grass, but when I googled that up and looked at the images, blue-eyed grass is clearly grasslike (doesn't just bloom down low in the grass....).

After a bit more investigation, I think this is thyme-leafed speedwell. In the wild (the lawn in front of my office building).

Gotta love the www! The ability to find out pretty near anything, any old time the fancy takes me, just *rocks*......... For a person like me, who boils over with curiosity about a very wide range of things, being able to just *find out*, in a couple of minutes, from the comfort of my own study, is totally Excellent!!!!!


zuzu said...

oh! =^..^=
The first pinecone picture looks like a rare rose sitting there all happy in the grass!

And I totally agree about the ability to google anything whenever I want (and I do I do!) I saved the little egglet because I googled "assisted hatching" ... The little guy was stuck!

Happy endings ::SIGH::
=^..^= love, zU

I need orange said...

That pinecone was sitting up like that without my intervention.... :-) I am going (she said with determination) to do some digital collage, so I am trying to collect images that I think will work well for that..... Like that first pinecone image.

Wow -- to use google to save a tiny life! Good job! I've only been assuaging my ravenous curiosity.....