Friday, September 17, 2010

still more new stuff


on our way up to Carcassonne's walled city

arriving at the walled city

the rest of our full day in Carcassonne

UPDATE: Sept. 18 8:32 am -- added shifting from Carcassonne to Bordeaux

UPDATE: Sept. 19 10:07 am -- added August 27 in Bordeaux



Lorraina said...

Orange, i've enjoyed your trip so much, thank you for the telling and pics! I know just what you felt when you said it gave you a shiver thinking of all the people who had gone through the same place before you as i had that feeling in England, even more so than i did in China. The history and all just permeates the place and gets to you dosn't it.
But oh, how i'd love to see France, especially with someone who knows and understands and has the desire to find and eat the local seasonal cuisine. I've just spent a very enjoyable evening at your daughters blog and looking forward to hearing more.

I need orange said...

Why, thank you, ma'am. :-) Glad you are enjoying it! It is my pleasure to share it.

Yes, I agree entirely -- history just does permeate some places!

I was so lucky to get to go with my daughter. All of her knowledge and research, as well as her interest in food and cooking, really made the trip an amazing adventure.

I told her you enjoyed her blog. :-)

Thank you for all the kind words!