Thursday, November 01, 2012

October 25 -- morning in the back yard


The 25th was a spectacularly nice day.  Nearly 80.

I decided there was no way I wasn't going to hang laundry outside.  Bedding, dog-feet towels, the rag rug we stand on, between the stove and the kitchen sink.....

This leaf has dried, draped around the line.  It can't fall off.

Speaking of leaves.....  You can see in the top pic that the fitted sheet is suspended between two lines, making a perfect hammock for falling leaves.

Backlit bittersweet (and maple).

Maple on the ground.

Most of the goldenrod has been done for weeks, but this one is going strong.

These tiny flowers look like golden fuzz to my naked eye.  So interesting to see what they look like through my "slow magnifying glass."


I'm not sure what this is.  Aster?

Leaves on the back steps, with dog hairs.


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