Friday, April 05, 2013

April 5 -- rest of the day


More fancy floor.

More motorcycles.  More covered walkways.  (Straight ahead, middle left, middle right....)

Inside a covered walkway, looking in the same direction as the previous.

It was a chilly and damp day.  They lit fires, under the walkway.....  A few people were sitting out there.  Smoking.

Have I said that Italians smoke way more than people in Ann Arbor?  They do.  Way more.  Especially young women.  I saw a lot of young women smoking, in Italy.  Unfortunate.  For them, for their kids.......

Orange slippers.  I work at remembering that I don't like slippers that I need to use my hands to put on.  So I'm not unduly tempted, when they are orange.

Embellished arch.

A damp day in the "lots of universities" part of Bologna.

Someone walking through a seriously defensive gate.

Fancy street light.

Base of light above.

Another look at the "universities" part of Bologna.

Church with cobbled square in front.

Can you see -- there are a whole bunch of these, along this wall.  They look like you are supposed to tie something to them.  Horses?  I don't know......

Wall embellishment.

Another Bolognese street.

I took a lot of pics of really fancy baby clothes, in France.  They had a lot of clothes that looked like they were for teenagers or even people in their 40s or 50s, for babies.

In Italy -- more-sensible baby clothes, in my humble opinion. 

On the other hand, I don't remember seeing any "silly clothes for dogs" stores in France, and they were all over Italy.

Love the copper on the domes, with the orange bricks...............

Back in our apartment.  French toast for supper (described here, by my daughter).

Mmmmmmm.  (Not so easy to photograph anything on a black plate, on a black placemat, on a black table.....  Thank goodness for Photoshop Elements, helping me make it visible!)

In order to facilitate chronological traversal of these posts, here is a link to the next post.


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