Saturday, June 14, 2014

May 30 -- botanical garden conservatory, 4


We have left the dry room and are in the temperate room.

At one point the conservatory had a large collection of pitcher plants.  This is the only one I saw on the 30th, but we didn't go on the raised walkways along the length of the building, so maybe there are more up there.

I believe this is the flower/fruiting body of this pitcher plant, but I'm not sure....

They've got some big fish.  This one is more frilly than I expect these big goldfish to be.

I tried really hard to eliminate reflection of the sky in the previous image, but I think I prefer this next image.  It's harder to see the fish, but I kind of like all the reflections.  Sort of dreamy and abstract.........

We've seen a bunch of big plants.  These are the smallest ones I took pics of on the 30th.  The fruiting bodies of the moss can't be more than about 2" tall.

Interesting leaves, interesting flowers....

The conservatory has a really nice collection of bromeliads.  Looking up at one of them.

Bark on a tree.


I just happened to look at this, right after the gardenia.  Don't they look similar?

Not sure why I'm so taken by the fallen flower, above, but I am.

Look what the plants in the previous are part of!

The conservatory has a really nice collection of bonsai.

Backlit leaf.

Textures.  If I remember correctly, the one at right is a mango tree.

Palm leaves.

Trunk textures.


They had a kaleidoscope pointed at a coleus.  Cool............


These were hanging down from a vine overhead.

I wonder who polinates this....

Or this....

The orange caught my eye.

But it's the leaves that I really looked at, when I got this "on the big screen."

Someone else's leaf.

More leaves, big and small.

Here's where the small ones came from.


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