Sunday, August 12, 2018

August 7, 2018


“Two Hairs In the Bathroom Sink”

I love hardware.

My computer is old enough that it doesn’t know how to connect to the internet all by itself.  So when it is talking to the internet like crazy when I’m processing pics (an activity that should be totally local to it, I believe) I can pull the plug and know for sure that it is not doing bad things for bad people online.  Hah.

Michigan’s fall primary elections were August 7.  Many of the primaries decided who represents us going forward. (Or should I say “decided if anyone represents us, or, rather, represents dark money".....)

Our progressive Dem gubernatorial candidate did not succeed this time, but of course I will vote for the Dem who did.  I hope Abdul will try again before long, in some capacity.  Otherwise, we were pleased. 

Then we went to Meijer's -- our local big-box grocery/etc.

Big sky behind Meijer's on the way home. 


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